Enter swimmer's information ?

Enter your swimmer's information, review and accept the Terms & Conditions, and then click "Search" to find your swimmer in the National database.

Clear ?

Clear all information from the page. When you need to do a fresh use, "Clear" button erases all the previous settings.

"Add" to the Swimmers list for a multi-swimmer times comparison.

If you have an account, you can "Save" the swimmer in your "Favorite" lists, so you don't need to search for swimmers every time you use the tool.


Swim events you want to see in the charts. You can leave all by default or manually select only the ones of interest.

"NewT" allows you to record a fresh new best time during a meet. Usually a new BT is updated into the National database 1-2 days after the meet.

With "NewT" you can see rightaway how this new BT stands against the STD times of interest.


You can "Add" favorite swimmers in this list so you don't need to search for them everytime you want to compare them.

Regions: ?

Select which region you are interested to see the STD times. There are provincial, national, and international standards.


Link = generates a link with the chart (expires in 15 days)
PDF = produces a PDF chart which can be saved or sent by email
Image = generates a picture with the chart
Chart = default option which generates html chart



You can sort the results using various filters, or add additional information to the charts:

"Date" - displays the date when the best time (BT) has been made

"Notes" - adds a blank column to the chart, next to BT, where you can manualy enter objectives for the next meet

"LC/SC" - displays the results only for the type of course specified

"M/F" - displays the results only for the selected gendre

"FINA Points" - displays the FINA points, total and for each event; you can order the swimmers by FINA points


swimcenter.ca @ 2024


"Add" to the Swimmers list for a multi-swimmer times comparison.

If you have an account, you can "Save" the swimmer in your "Favorite" lists, so you don't need to search for swimmers every time you use the tool.